On Wed, August 9, 2006 6:26 pm, Jay Blanchard wrote:
> Here is a thought that a couple of us have shared off-list; why don't
> we
> list denizens plan a get together? A face-to-face with the good, the
> bad
> and the ugly. A mano y' mano curly brace holy war. Beers and meat. The
> whole 9.2 Mb's.
> So, what say you? Shall we start a more formal process? Set a date and
> a
> place some time in the near (6 mos. or so) future? All are welcome,
> from
> the newest of new to the crotchitiest of old.
> Double-dog dare you.

On a more serious note...

It DOES seem like there is enough serious interest to followup with
this for real...

I'll be posting a new thread in seconds with some basic pre-planning

It will be titled "Chicago PHP Conference"

I'm using a new thread as I assume some would be interested but have
'killed' the current thread that is more humor-oriented.

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