tedd wrote:
Hi gang:

Before php 5, how did you guys handle ftp_chmod?

Oh, I'd probably try the code outlined in the user contributed section of the ftp_chmod manual page.

Keep in mind: a) I'm working on a shared host; b) I'm trying to change permissions via php 4; c) because of (a) (I think) functions such as chmod() don't work; d) and lastly, any references/code on how to manage files (i.e., delete files and change permissions) via php 4 on a shared *nix server would be greatly appreciated.

Unless your shared host has those functions disabled, they should work fine as long as you have proper permission to do things like chmod and delete (unlink).

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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