On Thu, 2006-08-17 at 18:58 -0400, tedd wrote:
> At 3:19 PM -0700 8/17/06, Chris W. Parker wrote:
> ><?php
> >
> >if($result = do_something('hello'))
> >{
> >   // do something with $result
> >}
> >else
> >{
> >   // do some other stuff
> >}
> >
> >?>
> >
> >The issue is whether or not this is a safe test. My initial thought is
> >that it is safe since I'm simply checking for true/false-ness. I either
> >check for '!== false' explicitly or (in the case of the latter example)
> >check that something other than 'false' is returned.
> >
> >It's slightly less readable but it seems more efficient (if nothing more
> >than to save on the number of lines typed).
> >
> >Thoughts?
> Chris:
> You can shorten it even further by:
> if(do_something('hello'))
>     {
>    // do something with $result

I'm guessing you missed the content of the comment Tedd... he actually
needs the $result :D

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