I'm buidling a system in OOP, and I have a main clase which 
objects in it. One of the objects inside is of type 
HTML_Template_IT, which I use to handle presentation tier.

Now, each time the system gets executed, I get this in my php 
error log:

PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function get() on a non-object 
in /xxx/xxxx/xxxx/lib/Planta.inc on line 135

Line 135 has:


It would seam $this->tpl is not an object, but I put an output 
of is_object($this->tpl) and it gave me true.

The page gets viewed OK, so it's not really a problem of the 
program not working, but I just don't like to have "Fatal Errors"
in my log files.

BTW I with PHP 5.0.4 (it's what comes with Fedora Core 4), and 
HTML_Template_IT 1.2.1.

Lic. Martín Marqués         |   SELECT 'mmarques' || 
Centro de Telemática        |       '@' || 'unl.edu.ar';
Universidad Nacional        |   DBA, Programador, 
    del Litoral             |   Administrador

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