At 8:47 PM -0600 9/20/06, Google Kreme wrote:
On 20 Sep 2006, at 06:15 , Chris Boget wrote:
 $timeZonesArray = array( 'GMT'            => array( 'GMT'   => +0 // GMT

Er... ok, but that seems to be missing quite a lot. For example, I notice that India Standard Time (IST; UTC +5:30) is missing from your array. Granted, it's only 1.1 Billion people and the largest English speaking population in the world... (or second most, depending on whom you ask).

Or did you just forget to paste the Asia portion of the array?

Good point -- but, the question is, is it important enough for you to post a corrected version?

No offense, but it's one thing to point out an error, it's another to provide a correction for it.



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