On 24 Sep 2006, at 22:07, Ray Hauge wrote:

Maybe you missed it, but he did submit a bug report:


He just wanted to see if other people had run into a similar situation before submitting the bug... from my understanding. I don't want to put words in
Marcus' mouth

Yup (and thanks), that was exactly my intention. Initially I wasn't sure that I was not doing something wrong, or seeing interference from XDebug etc. It's hard enough getting a PHP bug report accepted at all, so I try to make sure that it's very, very clear. I'm quite used to getting 'bogusbotted' by now - you seem to have to fight for every bug, in code or documentation. I appreciate that the maintainers have to deal with a lot of crap, and I make an effort not to waste their time (e.g. by reading docs, searching archives, posting on -users, as they suggest), but occasionally they just don't read the report - in this case I was referred to the documentation, which agrees 100% with my complaint!

Marcus Bointon
Synchromedia Limited: Creators of http://www.smartmessages.net/
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