On Friday 29 September 2006 4:35 am, benifactor wrote:
> the real question is what
> are some real life examples of class usage and why is it used as  opposed
> to regular non oop? thank you for any input into the subject that you may
> have.

I think people have pretty much hit the nail on the head with OOP.  One thing 
that I would like to point out is that OOP isn't necessarily needed in every 
case.  There are times when making a class to abstract a certain 
feature/process is a good idea, and there there are times where it can go a 
bit too far.  This is definitely a very simple example, but the usual "Hello 
World" script doesn't exactly need to be writen in a class structure.

I usually try to ask myself this question when I'm designing something:

"What are the benefits of using OOP?"

If the answer is simply "To use OOP" then you're probably headed in the wrong 
direction, at which point I step back and look at the big picture again.

In short, OOP is something to be used to your advantage, but if overused can 
just cause unnecessary overhead and confusion (IMO)

Ray Hauge
Application Development Lead
American Student Loan Services

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