On Tue, October 3, 2006 12:43 pm, Balaji A wrote:
> Hi,
> in php.ini I have changed the register_global to "On".
> Is it possible to change the global variable _SERVER[HTTP_USER_AGENT]?
> Thanks in advance..


You're not making sense...

You want my browser to LIE to your server about what browser it is?
Opera will let you do that.

You want to not believe I'm not using the browser I say I'm using, by
changing the string it sends you to identify itself?
Just ignore what I send.

You are trying to masquerede as some other browser, but don't want to
let us know because you think it's some big Security thing, or you're
scraping things you think somebody cares about or...?
I hesitate to help you, but the bottom line is that there are *dozens*
of tools to web scrape and masquerede as any browser you want, so even
if you're as, errrr, naive, as this post indicates, you're going to
find them within a week.

None of this has ANYTHING to do with register_globals, so you clearly
are not understanding the User-agent: header, or register_globals, or
both.  Probably both, to be honest...

re-read the register_globals page on php.net

And for the User-agent, Opera, wget, Firefox with LiveHTTPHeaders, and
dozens of other tools let you alter that.

But ain't no way you can make *MY* browser not send you the User-agent
it wants to send.  It's *MY* browser, on *MY* computer, thank you very

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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