>>> sender: "Kevin Murphy" date: "Tue, Oct 03, 2006 at 11:08:23AM -0700" <<<EOQ
> This works, but I was wondering if this was the best way to  
> accomplish this or not. I'm trying to remove any extra spaces (not  
> whitespace like carriage returns) from the middle of a string....  
> mainly for times where people put extra spaces after periods in  
> paragraph.
>       while(preg_match('/  /',$data))
>       {       $data = str_replace("  "," ",$data);    }
> Is there a better way to accomplish this same task? (PHP 4.x). Thanks.

$ cat test.php 
<?=ereg_replace(' {2,}', ' ', "A string   with   many spaces    inside")?>

$ php -f test.php 
A string with many spaces inside


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