2006/10/4, Deckard <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:


I'm trying to lay my hands on PHP OOP, but it's not easy :(
I've read several examples in the web, but cannot transpose to may case.

I'm trying to set a class to make SQL inserts in mysql.

I have the class:

  class dBInsert
  // global variables
  var $first;

// constructor
function dBInsert($table, $sql)
  $this->table = $table;
  $this->sql   = $sql;


  // function that constructs the sql and inserts it into the database
  function InsertDB($sql)

    // connect to MySQL
    $conn = &ADONewConnection('mysql');
    $conn->PConnect('localhost', 'deckard', 'ble', 'wordlife');

        if ($conn->Execute($sql) === false)
        print 'error inserting: '.$conn->ErrorMsg().'<BR>';

        return (TRUE);

and the code that calls it:

$sql = "INSERT INTO wl_admins VALUES ('',2)";
$dBInsert = new dBInsert('wl_admins', '$sql');


but it's not working ?

Can anyone give me a hand here ?

I've read the manuals, examples, etc.

Any help would be appreciated.

Best Regards,

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For database interaction, give PDO a chance: http://php.net/pdo
IMO it's cleaner and more efficient than adodb.

Then, I believe what you're trying to make is a query builder. I would break
down the differente parts of an sql query and create abstractions for each
part (some can be reused on different types of queries), then have builder
create the queries abstractions from the different parts.

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