2006/10/5, John Wells <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

On 10/5/06, Martin Alterisio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> PHP seems to be getting more and more object oriented, I think it's the
> right time to start questioning what have been done so far in terms of
> in PHP, because, honestly, there are too many php classes being
> out there that are a complete mess. Forget about spaghethi code, we have
> deal with pizza classes too.


        interface Responder {
                public function respond(Salutable $receiver, $response);
                public function getResponderName();

        class WiseAssResponder implements Responder {
                protected $responderName;

                public function __construct($responderName) {
                        $this->responderName = $responderName;

                public function getResponderName() {
                        return $this->responderName;

                public function respond(Salutable $receiver, $response) {
                        echo "Hi " . $receiver->getSalutationName()
                                           . ".  Please read my response
below: \n\n";
                        echo $response;
                        echo "Kindest Regards,\n" .

        class Martin implements Salutable {
                public function getSalutationName() {
                        return get_class($this);

        $martin = new Martin();
        $johnW = new WiseAssResponder('John W');

Well I'm not going to argue with you that there is plenty of crap code
out there.  PHP or not.  OOP or not.

And I'm all for taking OOP in PHP seriously, but I also think it's
worth keeping in mind that the real power in PHP is not it's object
oriented capabilities, but rather its simplicity and flexibility.
And, well, I don't know if your Hello, World example keeps that in

I'd rather say that we have different concepts of what is simple and
flexible, and both concepts are aceptable.

I know that plenty of people on this list want to have a serious
conversation about OOP for PHP (should we just start using OOPHP as
the new acronym?  or maybe POOPH?  Or... PHOOP?!? Wait, that's not
taking thing seriously...), but I don't think a complex Hello, World
made of Saluters, Salutables, factories and abstractions is taking it
serious.  I think it's exhausting the theory and using various design
patterns for the sake of using design patterns...

It seems we've differents approaches to what is complex and what is simple
(in terms of computer systems). I think being serious about OOP is start
thinking even the simplest of problem from an OOP perspective. I just
exposed the Hello World as an example, off course it seems like using a nuke
to kill a mosquito, but here I'm not thinking about efficiency or efficacy,
it's about training the mind into the OOP methodologies and ways of
thinking. Like training your body, once the mind sees everything in terms of
object abstraction, OOP will be as natural as breathing.

The kind of thinking that OOP it's just a *super* feature of a programming
language that should be used only for highly complex problems, is what I
want to eradicate. OOP doesn't stand neither as a language feature nor as
extra capabilities of a language, on the contrary, it takes some freedom
away from the programmer. I see OOP as a way of thinking and working, that
should be used in the most complex problem and the most simple problem

But really all of this comes down to the imutable truth about
programming in PHP: there are a *million* ways to skin a cat.  When
you heard "OOP + Hello, World", you thought about people/things
greeting each other.  When I heard it, I thought about an application
outputing a string.  The guy who started that particular thread
probably thought of something totally different.  Who's to say who is

Off course, no one can say which is the right way to solve a problem, and I
will not hide the fact that OOP is just a coder's whim. I'm just inviting
you over to this whim, I can assure you that it's a healthy and beneficial
whim, it's not just a Java hype. At least it's healthier whim than web2.0.

Hey, take my words as mine alone though.  Maybe I was the only one
that got my joke.  It's happened before.

Nope, I caught your joke, and I found it amusing. Though every joke hides a
truth, as I can explain a hello world in oop laughing and being serious at
the same time.


        $johnW->respond($martin, $response);

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