On Thu, October 12, 2006 3:44 am, Glenn Richmond wrote:
> I'm attempting to run a SugarCRM variant that uses SOAP to access
> information from the database. The code is causing a seg fault when
> executing a particular line of code. The code executes properly until
> it
> calls a generic function in the parent class that causes a seg fault
> on
> the return command. The line of code is:
> return $this;
> I've found this to be a problem in PHP version 5.1.4 and 5.2.0rc4.  Is
> this statement illegal in PHP5? When I set a memory limit for the
> script, the error changes to indicating that it has exceeded its
> memory
> allocation, so it seems to be allocating memory over and over.
> Note that this code runs fine on most other combinations of functions
> calling this same parent method. Any suggestions are appreciated.

Are you sure you are not causing an infinite loop or a circular data
reference that PHP is attempting to iterate through?

It sure *sounds* like that might be the case, from the symptoms

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