On Thu, October 12, 2006 4:03 pm, gaw wrote:
> I'm running php 5.1.1 configured with openssl 0.9.7i which was
> installed in
> /opt/local/.  Everything was working fine.  Then suddenly the SSL
> environment variables disappeared.  The https variable displays on,
> but no
> SSL_ variables are displayed via phpinfo.  I just installed another
> version
> of openssl in /usr/local/ssl for a packaged install of perl.  I don't
> know
> why this would effect the libphp5.so or if it did.  The /usr/local
> file
> system is nfs mounted so I don't want the php module dependent on
> anything
> is /usr/local as it keeps /usr/local continuously mounted.  Any ideas?

I *think* the SSL_ env vars of which you speak would be entirely
dependent on the httpd.conf User setting, their home dir/shell, and
whatever ENV settings they have.

If your new openssl and/or perl changed those, that's your answer.

Just my guess, mind you.

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