On Thu, October 26, 2006 6:48 pm, Prathaban Mookiah wrote:
> I have a situation where, when the user logs into the system (Apache
> 2/PHP
> 5.1/Win XP) the php script should activate a Java program to run in
> the
> background. This program will keep running in the background while
> everytime
> the user requests something, the subsequent php scripts communicates
> with
> this Java program on a preassigned port. (This is for controlling a
> robot I
> descibed in on of my earlier mails)
> My questions are:
> 1. How do I make the Java program to keep running even after the PHP
> script
> terminates. In Linux I would have easily done using '&' - how about
> windows?
> 2. What is the safest way to do it?

You can use PHP to instantiate a Java thingie, but, honestly, if you
want real-time interaction with the browser and a robot, I think you
probably should just be using Java.

>From my (probably WRONG) understanding of the state of the world, Java
is the solution that is best-suited to what you want to do.

I'm not saying it CAN'T be done with PHP wedged into it somewhere;
Just that you're shoe-horning something into a shoe that doesn't fit.

Select the correct weapon.

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