Its not very clear what you want to achieve with that code snippet.

If you are pulling database rows out of your database with mysql_fetch_array(), then you do not need a foreach loop.

I think you may want something like this, but without knowing your database table structure and the query you have used it is only a guess.

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC)){

echo "<a href=client.php?art=".$row['pix']." border='0'>{$row['jobType']}</a>\n";
        if($row['url']!='')echo "html to use with ".$row['url'];


On 31/10/2006 10:09 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
I want to tell the server to do 2 things when I click on the "jobType" link.

This is the code that I have now which displays the "art" when I click on "jobType"

foreach($row as $jobType)
            $row = mysql_fetch_array($result2,MYSQL_ASSOC);
echo "<a href=client.php?art=".$row['pix']." border='0'>{$row['jobType']}</a>\n";

I now want to, with the same click, also show the url if I have a url for that "jobType" in my database column called "url".

Thank you for any help.

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