Mel wrote:
Your advice is well taken and thank you.

I do have a book with the help of which I made this site and I have been working on it for many many weeks. (ashamed to say exactly how many!) Remember your first ever php site?

Yep, it was for a Fortune 500 company, but that's not the point.

I truly do appreciate all the help I got and it did lead me to validate my html, change my links ...

Which is beyond the scope of this list, and something you should have done even before coming to this list (this being one of the points: troubleshooting).

I am sure there are things even you don't know or understand and that you can use help from other more experienced and generous people who are willing to share.

There are, and I have, but this list, as well as others like it, are not my first stop (this being the other point: there are resources available which should be utilized before coming to the list).

On Nov 1, 2006, at 12:20 PM, John Nichel wrote:

Mel wrote:
I have
this is the page I am working on right now and it is valid html 4.01

Bzzzzzzttttttt.  No, it isn't.

The people here have been pretty accommodating of you so far, but if you continue to *not* do any research yourself, continue to *not* understand the basics of what you are trying to do, the accommodation will end quickly.

Buy a book. Read some online manuals. Google. Learn how to troubleshoot.

John C. Nichel IV
Programmer/System Admin (ÜberGeek)
Dot Com Holdings of Buffalo

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