I don't know about the command line pear app, but I don't see how they
either (a) could, or (b) would want to, stop you from using the individual
pear libraries. Unless they scan all the files you ftp to your site.

Just upload the ones that you require.

Some downloadables that use the Pear libraries include the ones that they

You do however have to remember to set the include_path before you include
any pear libs - preferably in a config file, but if your host is not being
nice, you can http://www.php.net/manual/en/function.set-include-path.php

WebFtp sounds sucky. I can't imagine it integrating well with any apps.

On 11/4/06, Alain Roger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I would like to know if a lot of people use the PEAR system (packages +
core) to their web sites ?

One of my colleague uses it for company internal usage, but i wonder if my
web hoster will allow me to use and install it...because i have only a
webftp access to my business web site...

thanks a lot for your feedback.


  • [PHP] Pear Alain Roger
    • Re: [PHP] Pear Rory Browne

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