On Thursday 16 November 2006 01:38, Paul Novitski wrote:
> At 11/15/2006 02:06 PM, Børge Holen wrote:
> >Oh this was good.
> >I added a while loop to insert extra strings "0"
> >in front of the number to add
> >if the string is less than 5 chars short.
> >
> >I forgot to mentinon that the string actually could be shorter (just found
> >out) and the code didn't work with fewer than 5 char strings.
> >But now is rocks.
> Hey Børge,
> If you need to left-pad with zeroes, PHP comes to the rescue:
> http://php.net/str_pad
> However, if you're using the regular expression
> method then you might not need to pad the
> number.  You can change the pattern from this:
>          /(\d+)(\d{2})(\d{2})$/'
> to this:
>          /(\d*)(\d{2})(\d{2})$/'
> so it won't require any digits before the final two pairs.
>          *       0 or more quantifier
>          +       1 or more quantifier
> http://ca.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.php
> Paul

Cool solution, and it works.  =D
I do however need some chars to fill in on the finished product for the look 
of it all, so the 0 is needed... Witch is a bit of a shame with this cool 

Kennel Arivene 

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