Frank Arensmeier wrote:
> Hello all.
> I am looking for some ideas on how to design / structure a script which
> checks for updates on files on a existing CD ROM.
> Every week, I generate content for a CD ROM containing a large number of
> html pages and PDF files (the CD is distributed to 20 - 30 dealers for
> ours) . The PHP script which is doing this is outputting a ZIP
> compressed archive. This ZIP file is then unpacked and burned on a CD. I
> am now playing with the idea to provide a "check-for-updates" function
> on the CD. Because the ZIP archives are rather large in size (300 MB), I
> am not able to keep all ZIP files. One or two months back is ok. My idea
> is to have a db table on MySQL containing  checksums for all files of
> the archive and have a script that is able to compare those lists. (one
> ZIP archive has about 400 - 500 files)
> My idea is:
> On the CD's start page I could have a link like:

this implies an internet connection - why not just give them a website
in the first place? then all they have to do is hit refresh.

> The script will then compare checksums for the files included in the
> archive "2006-11-10" and checksums for the recent file list. It then
> outputs a new ZIP file including new and updated files. Do you think
> that there is another (more elegant) way for doing this? Keep in mind
> that a ZIP file contains about 400-500 files which means that the table
> would grow rapidly week by week. In only one year the table would
> contain roughly 25000 rows of data.
> /frank
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