Richard Lynch wrote:
On Thu, November 16, 2006 7:35 am, Mathijs wrote:
I have a question about ob_start() and ob_get_level().

When i use ob_start(), and then check ob_get_level(), it shows me 1.
This is a normal behavior.

Now when i do the following ob_start(array('ClassName',
It does execute the methode, but it doesn't update ob_get_level().

Is this a normal behavior?

Can you show us where/how you checked ob_get_level()?

Cuz I don't really understand what the OOP stuff should do for a
callback, and would have to re-read the docs, but my first guess is
you do the ob_get_level() after the buffer is all done and the
callback is finished and gone, so the level is back to 0...

To give an small example see below.
The first file is the class file.
Lets pretend the 'MyFunctions' class is included already.

In index1 the ob_get_level() get the wrong count.
In index2 however the ob_get_level() get the right count.

File: class.MyFunctions.php
class MyFunctions {
        public static function myObCallback($buffer) {
                return 'Sample<br>'.$buffer.'<br>Sample';

        //Several other functions etc.. etc..

File: index1.php
        //ob_get_level == 1 - This is correct.
        ob_start(array('MyFunctions', 'myObCallback'));
        //ob_get_level == 1 - This should be 2.

File: index2.php
        function myObCallback2($buffer) {
                return 'Sample2<br>'.$buffer.'<br>Sample2';
                //Or this. Works also.
                //return MyFunctions::myObCallback($buffer);

        //ob_get_level == 1 - This is correct.
        //ob_get_level == 2 - This is correct as it should be.

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