What version of PHP and what OS?

I *think* that there is some jiggery-pokery going on in
memory_get_usage() in PHP 5 and managed memory where it would make
perfect sense to get negative numbers occasionally...

You may also want to log the memory_get_usage inside the loop, and
then graph the memory usage as it goes up/down to get a better idea of
what's going on.

On Sun, November 26, 2006 8:35 am, Chris wrote:
> Hey gang,
> I'm getting a negative return value from memory_get_usage() using the
> following script. My I've got --enable-memory-limit enabled  and my
> memory_limit is set to 100MB (which should more than enough memory).
> I suspect that there is a bug in utf8_encode() but I'd like others to
> test it (on different platforms) before I submit it as a bug.
> <?php
> for ($i=0; $i < 20000; $i++) {
>      echo utf8_encode('This is a test');
> }
> echo memory_get_usage();
> ?>
> Chris
> --
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