Thomas Munz wrote:
> Try that:
>  --script1---
> <?php
>  include("TestClass.php");
> session_start();
> $obj = new TestClass();
> $obj->setName('MyName');
> $obj->display();        // outputs 'MyName'
> $str_object = serialize($obj); //-- You need to serialize an object ( see 
> manual ) in order to make an object working via session

DONT SERIALIZE! its done automatically

> $_SESSION['obj'] = $str_object: //-- save serialized string in the 
> session,note: Use $_SESSION instead of session_register();
> header("Location: 
> http://localhost/~lr/webProj/photoAlbum2/sessionReceiveObj.php";);  // 
> re-direct to script2
> ---script 2----
> <?php
> include("TestClass.php");
> session_start();
> $newObj = unserialize($_SESSION['obj']); //-- convert string back into object

DONT UNSERIALIZE! its done automatically

> $newObj->display();       // MyName 
> on Wednesday 29 November 2006 16:18, list arama wrote:
>> Why am I not able to access the obj name field in script 2?
>> thanks in advance,
>> --script1---
>> <?php
>> include("TestClass.php");
>> session_start();
>> session_register('obj');

session_register() et al are going the way of the dino.
just use $_SESSION directly, just remember to call session_start()
before you try to use $_SESSION

>> ob_start();
>> $obj = new TestClass();
>> $obj->setName('MyName');
>> $obj->display();        // outputs 'MyName'
>> header("Location:
>> http://localhost/~lr/webProj/photoAlbum2/sessionReceiveObj.php";);  //
>> re-direct to script2
>> ob_flush();
>> ?>
>> ---script 2----
>> <?php
>> include("TestClass.php");
>> session_start();
>> $newObj = $HTTP_SESSION_VARS['obj'];
>> $newObj->display();       // no output, meaning no data?
>> $newObj->setName('Michael');
>> $newObj->display();      // outputs 'Michael' using obj methods
>> ?>

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