On Tue, November 28, 2006 8:01 pm, Le Phuoc Canh wrote:
> I want to make a connection to sybase database with PHP on win32
> platform,
> but i can't recompile PHP with extension --with-cybase-ct. Please help
> me

In the .zip file you downloaded for PHP, there should have been,
hopefully, a file named something like php_sybase.dll

If you fix up your php.ini and uncomment the line matching that,
you'll get the Sybase DLL loaded in.

You have to check with <?php phpinfo();?> where your php.ini file is,
or is supposed to be, and make sure you have a php.ini file in that
directory, and edit THAT php.ini file, and php.ini has to be readable
by the user that PHP is running as, and the DLL has to be in the
directory named in php.ini and the DLL also has to be
readable/executable by the user running PHP.  Whew.  That's a lot of
"gotchas" to stumble through for a newbie, but there it is.

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I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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