Yes, sort of. lets say that your page is '' and you want
to make sure your visitor got there with a click, and not a refresh...

first, get the referer...


then do something like this...

$refsite = file_get_contents($_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER']);
$refsite = str_replace('"','',$refsite);
$refsite = str_replace('"','',$refsite);

if(stristr($refsite,'href=') && !stristr($refsite,"url=";)) {
 // it came from a click
else {
// maybe not a click

On 12/4/06, Mark London <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Is there any way for PHP to know whether it is being called due to a
browser refresh versus a mouse click?  I think the answer is no but I
just want to be sure.  Thanks.

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