On Tue, December 12, 2006 2:23 pm, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I'm experiencing a strange problem and difficult to diagnose because
> it's random. I have built an application that sends out an email with
> a nice amount of text (don't have exact char count, but could get it).
> On the html email, a random whitespace appears in the content, but
> always toward the end pointing to a possible character count issue.
> See below for examples of how the space wanders and is random:
> 1- "Th ere are several things being discussed in this email."
> 2- "There are se veral things being discussed in this email."
> 3- "There are severa l things being discussed in this email."
> This whitepace issue happens after the email is sent.
> Anybody have any ideas?

If you have confirmed that it's happening AFTER php sends the email,
then you can be pretty sure it's not PHP doing it...

Also, sending html enhanced (cough, cough) email is probably the First
Problem. :-) :-) :-)

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