Hey there,

I'm currently working on converting an ASP.NET, C# site/application to
PHP, and I've run into a small snag. The login algorithm hashes the
user passwords like so:

MD5 md1 = new MD5CryptoServiceProvider();
byte[] buffer1 = new ASCIIEncoding().GetBytes(stringToHash);
byte[] buffer2 = md1.ComputeHash(buffer1);
return Convert.ToBase64String(buffer2);

The challenge here is that in this conversion, I'm also migrating the
users over to a different system which uses a completely different
hashing mechanism. So, really, I need to be able to un-hash these
values, if that's even possible.

Thoughts? Options? I'm afraid this is one way hash, that I'm not going
to be able to do anything about, unfortunately.


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