Roman Neuhauser wrote:
That's not what I asked. Does Thunderbird tell you why it marked
something as spam? If it does, use that information. If it does not,
you're crazy for using it. Either way, your question belongs into a
Thunderbird mailing list, along with the exact full message. Full means
including all headers, exact means you need to abandon formulations "it
was something like".

As far as I can see it does not give more information. Why would that make me crazy? I can see what's marked as spam, and it gets better at finding spam the more emails I mark as spam or not spam. I think that is an okey solution. I don't want to spend more time on spam in my email client, since almost all spams are stopped by the mail server anyway.

But I'll look for a log file. Maybe there are something hidden below the gui.
Maybe I haven't included some header non-spam usually have or something?

How are we supposed to know? Should we read Thunderbird's source code
for you? :)

Of course not. I just wondered if there was something obvious in the mail headers or whatever from pear that would make my mail look like spam. And I want a more mainstream solution that works on all/most email clients, not just firefox. But I'll talk to the mozilla folks instead, if you think it's so off topic to discuss this.

Thanks for your time...

Regards Emil

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