Steven Macintyre wrote:
> Hi guys,
> Some intelligent minds needed again ... 

I dont think I count - mostly because I don't even
understand the question.

> I have the following "schematic" to
> work to ... 
> http//

that URL make my browser end up here:

is .name even a top level domain? did that happen whilst I was sleeping?

> I need to "fill" that with data from a mysql table ... 
> The format of the table is as follows;
> CREATE TABLE `kayasite_schedule` (
>   `id` int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment,
>   `tid` int(6) NOT NULL,
>   `showname` mediumtext NOT NULL,
>   `day` varchar(10) NOT NULL,
>   `blurb` longtext NOT NULL,
>   `show_start` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
>   `show_end` time NOT NULL default '00:00:00',
>   `who` varchar(25) NOT NULL default '',
>   `uid` int(6) NOT NULL,
>   `pic` varchar(60) NOT NULL default '',
>   UNIQUE KEY `id` (`id`)
> Now, as you can see the time slot are the items "show_start", "show_end"
> (which I can do) the names are from the table (who) - can anyone start me
> off on the correct route to get this done.
> The layout does not have to be exactly like that - but - the days across top
> have to - so if there are gaps in "time slots" etc we can handle that
> This is way beyond my level of knowledge and have NO idea where to start.

in very broad terms (with out taking any account of error checking):

0. connect to mysql database

1. define an sql query  

        e.g. $sql = "SELECT * kayasite_schedule"; // lame example query

2. perform the query

3. loop the result to output tabular data

> As always - your assistance appreciated!!

the manual is your best friend, if you don't understand something in the manual
(i.e. the links above) come back and ask ... don't forget to tell us where/what 
you don't
understand :-)

good luck

> Kind Regards,
> Steven Macintyre
> --

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