Merlin wrote:
> Hi there,
> I do have a text value inside a variable: exif[FNumber] = 56/10 which I
> would like to save as a float value: 5,6 into a database.
> How can I compute this 56/10? I tried things like calculate() or math()
> but did not find the propper function to do this.
> Can anybody help, please?

if you know the string is always in the form: "number / number"
you might do something like:


$str  = "56/10";
$bits = explode("/", $str);
$num1 = floatval($bits[0]) / floatval($bits[1]);
echo $num1;


another way to go *might* be to use eval() - note that eval() is
almost *always* the wrong solution to a problem:


$str = "56/10";
eval("\$num1 = {$str};");
echo $num1;


> Thank you in advance,
> Merlin

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