> hi,
> $date = "January 8 2007 11:23 pm";
> and have to store it on db in datetime column as yyyy-mm-dd HH:ii:ss.
> Is there any function that will "translate" $date in format I
> need to store it in DB?
> Right now I was thinking to do like this:
> $date_new = explode(' ', $date);
> switch($date_new[0])
> {
>   case 'January':
>   $month = '01';
>   break;
>   case 'February':
>   $month = '02';
>   break;
>   // etc.
> }
> $date_time = explode(':', $date_new[3]); $hours =
> ($date_new[4] == 'pm') ? ($date_time[0] + 12) : $date_time[0]
> ; $time_new = $hours.':'.$date_time[1].':00';
> $date_final = $date_new[2].'-'.$month.'-'.$date_time[1].' '.$time_now;
> Is there better solution than this above?
> Thanks.
> -afan

strtotime() will convert your date string into a unix time format (int)

Then you can use the date() function to format it properly.  Make sure the
date value is enclosed in quotes (like a text string) when inserting into
your database.


$date = "January 8 2007 11:23 pm";
$mysqldate = date("Y-m-d H:i:s", strtotime($date));

$query = "INSERT INTO `datefield` VALUES '$mysqldate'"; ...

Hope that helps,


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