I'm guessing you have php5.0.x running - you really want a php5.1.x
version if your going to use XML - it will avoid *alot* headaches with
regarding to using var_dump() (or print_r() or even echo) to figure out
what the simpleXML objects are/contain.

Satyam wrote:
> I have a problem trying to handle SimpleXml objects.  Though I can manage
> some workaround the problem, I would like to understand it better.


> cell.
> Function dump() just does a var_dump() of whatever is given in the first
> argument within a <pre> tag and uses the second argument as a heading,
> surrounded by dashes.  In this case I copied the expression of what I am
> dumping as the title (within single quotes so it does not expand).
>  foreach($row as $cell) {
>    dump($cell,'$cell);
>    dump($cell->p,'$cell->p');
>    dump((array)$cell->p,'(array)$cell->p');
>    dump($cell->p[1],'$cell->p[1]');
>   }
> The section in question is shown below.  Though $cell is shown as a
> SimpleXMLElement containing one 'p' property which contains an array of two
> elements:
> ----------------------------$cell-----------------
> object(SimpleXMLElement)#8 (1) {
>  ["p"]=>
>  array(2) {
>    [0]=>
>    string(12) "Indian Rupee"
>    [1]=>
>    string(8) "Ngultrum"
>  }
> }
> If I dump that 'p' element, I don't get an array but an object with just
> one element, the first value in the array
> ----------------------------$cell->p-----------------
> object(SimpleXMLElement)#7 (1) {
>  [0]=>
>  string(12) "Indian Rupee"
> }
> If I typecast it to an array, I still get a single element
> ----------------------------(array)$cell->p-----------------
> array(1) {
>  [0]=>
>  string(12) "Indian Rupee"
> }
> Nevertheless, if I explicitly index into the 'p' element, without even
> typecasting it into an array, the second element is there.
> ----------------------------$cell->p[1]-----------------
> object(SimpleXMLElement)#10 (1) {
>  [0]=>
>  string(8) "Ngultrum"
> }
> So, now you see it, now you don't, or do you?  What's happening?
> Satyam

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