2007. 01. 12, péntek keltezéssel 23.15-kor Napura ezt írta:
> It questions the mailing list for the first time. 
> To other forms by using JavaScript in PHP
> Can data able to be passed, and passed only one data that can be passed in 
> the 
> following codes?
> Please tell me. 
> function p_submit(bb) {
>     sform=top.window.document.S_form;
>     sform.param.value = bb;
>     sform.action = "pform.php"; 
>     sform.submit(); 
>    }
> Only "param"1 piece can be sent in this code. 

might be stupid idea but what if you add another lines like

sform.param1.value = 1;
sform.param2.value = 2;

as I think param/param1/param2 should be the name of the element of
$_POST/$_GET in your php script

hope that helps
Zoltán Németh

> Please help.

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