On 1/23/07, Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Sorry for troubling all again.
> I am trying to use the Pear DB_ldap for the above scripts.
> Does any one have any sample code for ldap_connect () ldap_search etc.



Both pages have examples.

If you have a specific problem then post it.

Postgresql & php tutorials

Thanx for replying Chris.

I am in process to modify my existing php scripts to a more neater/compact code.

In current scripts certain code ( ldap_connect , ldap_bind , if connet
error show error page etc ) is repeated many times.

This makes the scripts very bulky and even small changes that need to
be done are very difficult to implement.

That's why I am looking for some thing with a ready functions for the
above which I can use. I believe PEAR DB_ldap has it. But very little
documentation is avaliable.

So I was searching for any sample scripts.

My current script:
user edit page
require 'validate.php' // included on every page to check logged in user.

bind to ldap else error..

show a form to user to edit user details.

post to update script.

disconnect ldap.


on update
validate user

bind to ldap else .....

check if any changes need to be done to the user .( compare before &
after values in the POST variables )
create the array for modfiy
do ldap_modify
in case error shout , else tell all is ok.


The problem is, for separate edit pages I have written separate update
pages. Any new object to edit needs a new edit page & a relevent
update page.

I believe if I can use functions this can be reduced to just one
update page with fewer edit pages.

Very sorry for this long mail.

Thanx & Regards

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