
On 23/1/2007, "Roman Neuhauser" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> KEYLIST := keylist.txt
>> DEPS := $(wildcard *.txt)
>> FILES := *.txt
>> $(KEYLIST): $(DEPS)
>> grep ^keywords $(FILES) > $@
>Why is it so roundabout about $(DEPS)/$(FILES)? The target *actuall*
>depends on different files than those declared in the sources list!
>What does $(DEPS) (and $(FILES)) contain?
>This is what your Makefile does, BTW:
>  grep ^keywords keylist.txt ... > keylist.txt

Sorry my fault, I decided to change the filename extensions of DEPS+FILES
to *.txt before posting without noticing they became same as KEYLIST.

$(DEPS) !== $(FILES) as wanted pass '*.txt' to grep rather than every
individual filename.

>Try it with this instead (rename keylist.txt to key.list), but make sure
>you have at least one file ending in .txt in that directory first!):
>KEYLIST := key.list
>FILES := $(wildcard *.txt)
>$(KEYLIST): $(FILES) ; grep '^keywords' $^ > $@

Ok, tried that, still same problem. it works running make from
commandline, but not from PHP using exec, or shell_exec, or system.
It's the redirection which does not work for some reason. I'm
temporarily displaying output in PHP from make, so can see that
grep is grepping, but not redirecting to the target.


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