with all the respect that should be afforded to someone
so bloody helpful:

        thank you for all the fish :-)

best wishes,

John Nichel wrote:
> Howdy ladies and gents:
>   For the past 9 or so years, with one email account or another, I have
> been subscribed to the PHP General Mailing List.  Well, life an work
> have succeeded in taking up all of my time, and the only thing I've been
> able to do with this list over the past year or so is select all the
> unread messages in my php folder, and hit the delete key.  If I've
> posted 10 messages over the past year, I'd be surprised (probably why
> you n00bs are saying to yourself, "who the hell is this guy").  I'm just
> popping in now to let y'all know that I'm off to join people like John
> and Jason in the world of, "what ever happened to him".  For those of
> you who give a damn ;)  I can be reached at numerous email addresses,
> including:
> john <at> nichel <dot> net
> jnichel <at> by-tor <dot> com
> As well as the other in this email (which have already been harvested by
> a billion spam bots).
> Have fun, and I'll see ya on the other side.

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