Thanks for that - can't do that as all I know in the database is the start
and end date for each event (so I don't have to create mapping tables and
perform massive joins), the rest is handle dynamically.

I think I can do it using usort, this seems to work, any comments?

function compare($x, $y) {

        if (($x['date'] == $y['date']) && ($x['start_time'] ==
$y['start_time'])) {
       return 0;
       } else if (($x['date'] == $y['date']) && ($x['start_time'] <
$y['start_time'])) {
       return -1;
       } else if (($x['date'] == $y['date']) && ($x['start_time'] >
$y['start_time'])) {
       return 1;
       } else if ($x['date'] < $y['date']) {
         return -1;
        } else {
         return 1;

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