On Tue, February 20, 2007 8:25 am, Dave Goodchild wrote:
> I am building an events directory and when users search, they provide
> a date
> range ie Feb 16 2007 to March 12 2007 as one of the options for
> searching.
> The system then creates an array of timestamps from this and then

Why would you create a range, which could potentially be quite a large
set, instead of using the SQL "BETWEEN" operator, or even just using:

WHERE whatdate >= '$start_date'
  AND whatdate <= '$end_date'

It just seems to me like you are creating a giant JOIN for no real
purpose, which is going to end up slogging your database as soon as
you extend the date range out more than a few weeks...

> polls the
> database for all events whose lifetimes (start to end data) intersect
> with
> or contain the user date ranges. The system then checks how many of
> those
> dates map onto the dates provided by the user and returns an array of
> events
> on specific dates, all by comparing timestamps.
> The system is working like a dream apart from the following. If the
> user
> selects a start date prior to March 26 2007 or after October 29th 2007
> all
> is well. If they specify a start date after March 26 the events are
> not
> being pulled in.
> I have converted the user-friendly date output to timestamps to check
> and
> sure enough, when the user selects a start date before March 26 2007,
> March
> 26 2007 is output as:
> 1174863600
> ...after that it becomes:
> 1174860000
> ...a difference of 3600
> Is this anything to do with leap seconds or any other clock drift
> phenomenon
> anyone has seen before? Much hair being torn out at present!

This probably is a daylight savings time issue...

But if you don't care about the hour/minute/second, you probably
should not be messing with Unix time-stamp in the first place...

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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