On Tue, February 20, 2007 7:11 pm, Larry Chu wrote:
> I am new to php and was trying to view the code below.  I do see in my
> browser the question that is being asked, but for some reason the
> answer is not displayed.  I am copying this from a book and am sure I
> have typed everything as it should be typed.  Can you please tell mw
> what might be wrong?
>   Thank you.
>   <html>
> <head><basefont face="Arial"></head>
> <body>
> <h2>Q: This Creature can change color to blend in with its
> surroundings.
> What is its name?</h2>
>   <?php
> // print output
> echo '<h2><i>A: Chameleon</i></h2>';
> ?>
>   </body>
> </html>

If you do "View Source" in your browser, do you see the <?php bit?
If so, then you have not installed PHP correctly.

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