On Sat, February 24, 2007 1:50 pm, Larry Garfield wrote:
> Yes, you can end up with both a GET and a POST.  (I'm not sure if it's
> technically legal in the HTTP standard, but it can happen in practice,
> IIRC.)

Having GET data included with a POST request, where the GET is just
part of the URL, is perfectly normal and spec in the RFC, last I

If you manage to have POST data included with a GET request, I'd be
looking for a new web-server software, I think...

Your browser SHOULD just append the INPUT as more GET args with a GET.

If your *JAVASCRIPT* does not do that correctly, then, really, we
cannot begin to help you here, as you've got [bleeped] up javascript,
so take it to a JS list/forum/guru.

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Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some starving artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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