$permissable_MINE_types= array(         //*** file upload parms
'image/png'             => 'png',
'image/gif'             => 'gif',                            
'image/jpeg'            => 'jpg',
'image/pjpeg'           => 'jpg',
'application/pdf'       => 'pdf',

$upload_parms['permis_types']= $permissable_MINE_types;                 

$uptype= $_FILES['userfile']['type'];

if(!array_key_exists($uptype, $upload_parms['permis_types'])) {
        $report .= "
<p style=\"color:red\">Uploaded file wrong file type, is $uptype.</p>\n";
        $error = TRUE;

Alain Roger wrote:

I would like in fact to make more precise my previous post.
I would like in fact to restrict the file extension (and therefore the user

My user should be able only to upload files with extension JPEG, BMP, GIF.

How can i set those parameter ?


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