Otto Wyss escreveu:
 From an arry I create a table like

  foreach ($persons as $key => $pers) {
    echo "<td><input name=\"K$key\" type=\"checkbox\" ...></td>

so each checkbox field has its own name created from $key. Yet how can I access these fields (names) later on?

  foreach ($persons as $key => $pers) {
    if ($K???) {
      $cnt += 1; ...

Is there a better way to access multiple fields from a table?

O. Wyss

$persons = array ( "John", "Mary", "Meany", "Jorge", "Sam", "Joseph", "Bill", "Frank" );

echo '$persons = array ( "John", "Mary", "Meany", "Jorge", "Sam", "Joseph", "Bill", "Frank" )<br /><br />list ($person01, $person02, $person03, $person04, $person05, $person06, $person07, $person08 ) = $persons';

list ($person01, $person02, $person03, $person04, $person05, $person06, $person07, $person08 ) = $persons;

echo '<br /><br /><br />echo $person05<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;o----->&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$person05 = ' . $person05; echo '<br /><br />echo $person08<br />&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;o----->&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;$person08 = ' . $person08;

Apache - PHP - MySQL - Boolean Logics - Project Management
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