Well, this one I cannot seem to figure out:
I installed Apache 1.3.37 with
./configure --enable-module=so --enable-module=rewrite --enable-shared=max
Then tried to install
php 5.2.1 --with-apxs=/usr/local/apache/bin etc etc

libphp5.so is no where to be found. It sure is not
in apache/libexec

I saved the ./configure options in a file and had
configure read from it. All seemed to go ok,
no errors, bailouts. I can send that file if anyone
thinks it may have the answer.

The problem showed up when I tried to start apache and
it would not start because it could not find libphp5.so

OS: Freebsd 6.2
(I know there is the ports system, I have install all of this successfully on two other machines doing just untar, configure, make, make install. I had
 reasons for not dealing with ports)
Any clues?
Thanks in advance
Jeff K

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