At 15:17 9/5/2001 -0400, Tym Rehm wrote:
>You have to open the file and encode it.
>Check out this:
><?php $date = exec("date"); $border="--==================_856811060==_"; 
>/* Define the attachment and encode it base64 */ 
>$filename="/var/www/sf/Ftp_User_Info.doc"; $fd = fopen($filename, "r"); 
>$contents = fread($fd, filesize($filename)); 
>$encoded=chunk_split(base64_encode($contents)); fclose($fd); /* Trim white 
>spaces */ $request_by = trim($request_by); $email = trim($email); $company 
>= trim($company); /* testing if form is filled out */

the problem is that is NO file... I want to put in the attachment part just 
a text... but I want it to go as a text attachment...
I still have to base64_encode-it even if it is text file?

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