On Sat, 28 Apr 2001, Andras Kende wrote:

> Hello,
> I pull some data from mysql with the php code below.
> On the date field if there is no date on mysql it displays : 0000-00-00
> 00:00:00
> I would like to change this 0000-00-00 00:00:00 to "no date" for example..

hmm... mysql can do this, works like this:

mysql> select IF(UNIX_TIMESTAMP(lastmod)<=0,"NoDate",lastmod) as date from

| date                |
| 2001-04-22 08:04:07 |
| 2001-04-22 08:04:10 |
| 2001-04-22 08:03:45 |
| 2001-04-22 08:03:42 |
| 2001-04-22 08:03:41 |


| 2001-04-22 08:03:45 |
| 2001-04-22 08:04:05 |
| 2001-04-22 08:03:43 |
| NoDate              | (normally 0000-00-00 00:00:00)
| 2001-04-22 08:04:06 |
| 2001-04-22 08:03:56 |
| 2001-04-22 08:04:08 |
| 2001-04-22 12:57:27 |
| 2001-04-27 21:26:36 |
| 2001-05-07 22:35:45 |
28 rows in set (0.00 sec)

> Or if the cel is empty to " " (because otherwise the tableborders are messed
> up)

If by empty you mean NULL, you could probably do similar as above:

mysql> select IF(lastchk IS NULL,"&nbsp;",lastchk) from links;
| IF(lastchk IS NULL,"&nbsp;",lastchk) |
| 24                                   |
| 9                                    |
| &nbsp;                               |
| 8                                    |


| &nbsp;                               |
| 6                                    |
| 1                                    |
| &nbsp;                               |
| &nbsp;                               |
| &nbsp;                               |
| &nbsp;                               |
28 rows in set (0.01 sec)

... the &nbsp; will hold the table cell in html.

> I tried to put an if statement inside the while {} but i cannot figured
> out...

yep you could do this too. I don't know which is faster as i have not been
able to test either under high enough load to make a difference :( i
prefer to let mysql do all the work it can because i figure the web server
is busy enough will all kind of regular html requests.

good luck... hope this helped.


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