Mike Shanley wrote:
>> like in the addressbar? using IE by any chance? .. I don't see this in
>> firefox.
> Oddly enough, I'm using firefox and having the problem. Curious.
>> dunno, long night? short addressbar?
>> if in doubt view the source luke.
> I keep going over the source. I have the $CALL array being printed all

I saw that.

> over, but nothin! Oy. I guess the people will have to live without
> bookmarks!... Or maybe just me, since it worked for you.

yeah, weird. or maybe I'm not understanding your problem, regardless the
links you provided did what they said on the tin and I clicked around inside
the site and all the links worked according to the way you said they should
(at least they all went to the correct page as far as I could see)

maybe give your browser an upgrade or uninstall some plugins?

> ;-)

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