At 10:17 AM -0400 4/5/07, Jason Pruim wrote:
There has to be some commonality -- any suggestions?

Would it be possible to change the phrase in your audio captcha depending on the character set chosen by the user? In other words, if someone is using a chinese character set, could you have it say "3 5 7" in chinese?

Certainly, that's possible. However, I don't speak any of those languages.

I did think of a way if a user wanted to use my technique could speak a single phrase counting from zero to nine and my software could create the necessary files from that. So, that could be done -- however, I don't have the resources/people to distribute it.

Or maybe just have a button to select to play it in chinese (Or french, dutch, spanish, etc. etc.)

Interesting -- I had a lengthy discussion as to what that button would be. I thought a flag icon would do, but wouldn't work. The "best" solution was to use text of the language to spell the language.



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