Although I rarely post here (mostly lurking)...

I would think that the mere fact that support for PHP4 ends in 8 months
should be in and of itself a strong argument for the server admins.

In my current position, I code and am responsible for a few different

It's certainly a strong argument in my eyes.

I'm also kind of surprised that with the amount of time that PHP5 has now
been out that this is still a question for some people. (not directed at you
but maybe the server admins)

Once again, pretty strong argument is, if support for PHP4 is being
dropped..... that must mean that there is much confidence that PHP5 is
mature enough... to be the only supported version in being rolled out in
production environments.

That's my 2 cents worth.


On 4/7/07, Fernando Cosso <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am making a new project, so if you are telling me that php5 is mature
enough I will code for that version.
I'm sure Mambo is ready for php5.
The thing is that I have to give pretty good arguments (like some page at
zend or or whatever) to the guys that install the server. I also
know that debian wait until the last moment to  put new versions.
Best regards

Yves Arsenault

"Love is the only force capable of transforming an enemy into a friend".
--Martin Luther King, Jr.

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