On Wed, April 11, 2007 3:36 pm, Robert M wrote:
> Does anyone else have any other ideas how to resolve this, I have
> tried
> multiple different methods all failed.
> Does the 2 GB limitation using filesize have an alternate method of
> producing the output. ?
> Thank you Logan for trying.

The first thing I'd recommend is writing a one-line test script that did:
<?php echo filesize('/full/path/to/some/monster/file/here');?>

As it stands now, I just deleted your emails as they were MUCH too

That said, PHP will handle INT only up to ~2 billion, so I don't quite
know how it could come back as what you want, unless the function
returns 'text' datatype, which I doubt...

I do recall discussion of this and some kind of solutions from way
back when...

If nothing else, you could use http://php.net/exec to ask the OS how
big the file is, and bypass filesize altogether.

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