At 6:25 PM -0500 4/12/07, Richard Lynch wrote:
I believe the OP was saying that in the bad ol' days before CSS, DW
could get you "closer" with nested table layouts faster than endless
tweaking and re-loading, so DW was a useful tool for that reason in
the past.

The OP posted this week and asked for Dreamweaver experience -- this ain't the bad old days.

If you're in the business and claim to develop "leading edge" web sites, then I think you should be using a technique that has revolutionized web develop for almost a decade now.

At what point do you think they're going to pick this up in their "leading edge" development, huh? When a client comes forward and demands W3C compliance; or when one of their clients loses a contract with the US Federal Government because their web site isn't section 508 compliant; or when one of us in the trenches tell them what they need to hear?

I'm just giving them good advice how to support their "leading edge" claim.



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