On Fri, April 13, 2007 11:43 am, Skip Evans wrote:
> So the directory for the artist, which will be one
> level below the docroot, like

Don't do that.

You have to work WAY too hard to make sure you have a gate-keeper to
force people to pay.

Put the files outside the webtree, and have a PHP script that controls
access and is your gate-keeper.

It's kind of like the difference between holding a music festival in a
park with no fence, and holding a music festival in a convention

In the first case (your mp3 in the web-tree == open park) you end up
having to build a fence, and there will always be somebody trying to
jump the fence, because it's just a temporary fence and obviously not
very secure.

In the second case (the mp3 outside the web-tree) there's a big brick
wall and a tiny number of doors that need guarding, and it's much
easier to secure.

> I was wondering if it were possible to drop a
> .htaccess file into each artist's directory that
> would password protect it and then code the URLs
> in the PHP script that allows access to the fines
> to access the files with a user name and password,
> but also hid this URL from display in the browser?

You could do all that, but...

> The files need to be under the document root to
> allow a link to download them, right?


Have the link go to a PHP script, which authenticates the user (in
your case, makes *sure* they paid) and then that script does

The MP3 itself should live outside the web-tree in a "private" directory.

You'd still want to have the sub-directories under "private" organized
by artist and all that.

Your upload script would simply move files into this directory tree
instead of the web tree -- which is better anyway, as that means you
needn't have php-writable directories inside your web-tree, which is
also a Risk.

You *DO* have to have your download URL cleverly-crafted to make the
browser do the right thing, and you have to send the right headers for
the MP3 right before the readfile, but that's actually quite easy with
$_SERVER['PATHINFO'] and header() function.

Some people have a "gift" link here.
Know what I want?
I want you to buy a CD from some indie artist.
Yeah, I get a buck. So?

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